Curriculum Overview - Phase 2

Calum Harris

Phase 2 Leader

Mr Harris is your Phase 2 Leader and also a science teacher. He supports students, academically and pastorally, as they move through the academy from Phase 1 (Year 7 and Year 8) into Phase 2 (Year 9). Mr Harris works with students as they navigate the Duke of Edinburgh journey which is offered to all students in Year 9 as part of their curriculum offer. He enjoys his Phase Leader role, and is totally dedicated to making sure students are happy, committed and are making the most of every opportunity the academy offers so that they are suitably prepared to start their GCSE courses as they move into Year 10.

Students have a 25 hour week and study a mixture of maths, English, science, MFL (Spanish or French), geography, history, RS, art, performing arts, music, technology, computing and PE.

In Year 9, students are able to personalise elements of their curriculum:

  • Humanities – students opt to have 2 lessons per week of either history or geography. They have 1 hour per week of the other subject.
  • Option – students are able to choose from a range of creative qualifications which they will complete in years 9 and 10. Further information on the qualifications can be found on the ‘Curriculum Subjects’ pages.
  • Creative carousel – to complement their creative qualification, students will choose three additional creative subjects to study on a rotation. These are:
    • Art
    • Music
    • Performing Arts
    • Product Design
    • Food
    • Dance
    • Textiles
    • Personal Development (all students take part in one term of Personal Development which aids the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award)

Students who need additional literacy support follow a bespoke curriculum pathway. They miss specific subjects to follow their literacy support pathway. For more information on this provision please see the separate ‘Student support’ tab.

Phase 2 Curriculum Model:

Ìý Non-Enrich Enrich
Maths 4 4
English 5 5
Science 5 5
PE 1 1
RS 1 1
History/Geography (1st choice) 2 0
History/Geography (2nd choice) 1 0
MFL 2 0
Computing 1 1
Option 2 2
Creative Carousel 1 1
Enrich 0 5
Total hours 25 25


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